Saturday, November 24, 2012

book- Journey of Souls by Michael Newton

I've always been pretty curious about topics on life after death, reincarnations, immortality and the metaphysics, the spirituality stuffs.

I think reading this book really changed my life, I can feel myself changing. I believe in the contents of this book (I've always been a firm believer of reincarnation) but some contents in this book really opened my eyes.

I'm really fascinated with this new found knowledge. Is it really possible that we're here on Earth just for lessons? And that even if we fail this lesson it's okay? And that whatever we do it's okay because we're all actors on a stage and it's okay to screw up your role sometimes?

It really gives me comfort, knowing that this life is not all that I have. I can do my best and yes I may screw up sometimes but that's okay. Because I still have other chances to try again, other opportunities to go for it again, to learn what I'm supposed to learn perhaps in another setting, in another lifetime. It offers hope. And also diminishes my fear of death. I find myself being more accepting of myself and others as well.

And that we are one. If we inflict pain on others, we will suffer the pain as well ultimately. Life's not a zero sum game.

I'm definitely getting my hands on other books by Michael Newton soon, I'm still interested to know more about his research on this area.

I've just spent my whole reading week on this spiritual findings thing that I'm fascinated about, reading three books in a week gosh. Oh well. I will survive my finals! I can do it! And the finals is just a small scene in my life. Don't sweat it! You go girl!

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