Monday, October 22, 2012

movies- the perks of being a wallflower

I've wanted to watch this movie for a while ever since the trailer came out. The title appealed to me a lot. The perks of being a wallflower. So oxymoronic right? What perks could there be by being a wallflower? Wallflowers aren't being noticed, so what benefits are there being one?

I am a wall flower. I think so. I've gone through high school being pretty much a low profile person. I don't mind. But being frank, sometimes I do wish I can be noticed, well, probably not as much as I hope to be appreciated. Charlie in this movie really struck a chord with me. He's like me in many sense, trying to figure out one's place in the world (or school for that matter), holding up and trying not to break down, wanting to have friends, make friends, and when you have friends, you're so scared of losing them.

It's an endless cycle.

This teenage thing really made me reflect a lot on those days. My school days were pretty drama free (unlike Charlie's) but on many levels and occasions, I felt like I could understand him.

Understand how he felt so desperate in finding friends, hoping to be understood, have company and just not be lonely. not be a lone. not be the loner kid.

But what's wrong with enjoying your own company right? We need alone time sometimes. Some down time. Some your own time. Solitude.

In this era where everyone's connected and everyone else seems to know every other people, you do feel the pressure to keep up. I don't know, I guess I'm kind of the rebel. While at times I'm pretty desperate for friends, other times I'm just indifferent. I'm just tired of trying so hard.


I'm happy for Charlie though. In the end he's recovering well with the help of a psychiatrist. And I like his friendship with his English class teacher. It's always good to have a mentor.

He's busy participating.

I guess I should too.

While I enjoy watching from the sidelines, maybe I should just try and enjoy the game too, shouldn't I?

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