Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Random musings

Have been reading a few books here and there...

I don't know if I'm reading to relax as a hobby or using it just as a means of escaping the reality...

Actually do why I read even matter?  As long as I read right?  Since books to me are like mental and spiritual food...

Just recently confirmed that i'm a highly sensitive person.  Am still learning to come to terms with that and accepting myself for who I am. It has been pretty painful.

The conflicting tendencies in myself just sometimes are too much to handle.

And school is getting way too dreadful. I know I'm blessed with the chance to get a college education and all that blah blah blah... but sometimes I just just can't do it anymore

And no is a sufficient statement right?  I'm resisting the urge to say no to everyone and everything and just trying to use my 'no's discerningly.

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