Friday, March 7, 2014


Came across this prayer as I was googling 'having no patience with everything'.

I find myself very impatient and hot-tempered easily these days... And it worries me. Like I'm not able to be tolerant or anything. It seems like I lost my ability too, as if I'VE HAD ENOUGH.

And that scares me.

Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart
and try to love the questions themselves ...
Don't search for the answers,
which could not be given to you now,
because you would not be able to live them.
And the point is, to live everything.
Live the questions now.
Perhaps then, someday far in the future,
you will gradually, without even noticing it,
live your way into the answer.
rainer maria rilke

I know I've got lots of unresolved issues and sometimes it hurts so much to delve deeper into them and realising how shitty everything is/how much of a failure I am/why am I so loserish thinking about how epic of a failure I am.

This has to stop.

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