Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Movie- Armageddon (1998)

This movie's been in a few of those Guess the Movie app games that I've been playing. It piped my curiosity and so I went to watch it.

The movie's about a Texas-sized asteroid that's bound to hit Earth and how the NASA came up with a plan to stop this end of the world event from happening. I guess I have always been fascinated with stuffs that are of apocalyptic themes- movies like these, sci-fi genres, hunger game kinds of post apo world, zombie apocalypse. Yeah so this did sound interesting enough for me to want to watch it.

And so, NASA sent up a team of drillers mix with astronauts to drill a hole on the asteroid, put a nuclear bomb in it and blast it up so that the fragments of the asteroid can miss Earth.

The moive has a few mentions of the Bible and how amageddon meant the end of the world in the Bible. I didn't know that. But now I know. xD And of course, the mission came with a few sacrifices and some of the team died in the mission.

I think this movie made me really respect heros. Not like those fiction superheros like Iron Man or Spider man or Wolverine but more kind of like the ordinary hero. There's a scene when Harry had to stay behind on the asteroid to hand detonate the bomb. It's a suicidal mission, everyone knew it but he chose to do it in place of AJ, a guy that was his daughter's fiance. I can't imagine how huge this responsibility must be, and how much courage it took to press that little button to blow yourself up together with everything else around you.

I guess that's why there's this book on courage called Feel the Fear and Do it anyway. When it boils down to fight or flight, sometimes there's just no option of flight anymore.

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