Monday, July 22, 2013


I'm a Christian now. It came as quite a surprise to me even when I decided I'm going to God.

Jesus had once said , "Come to me all those who are tired and weary and I shall give you rest.  For my yoke is easy and the burden is light."

I was indeed tired and weary. I did just that. I went to god and felt this peace that I haven't had in a long time.  This sense of acceptance of who I am, a strong sense of being loved, cared for and blessed.

I still struggle with my faith but I'm much better now.  I'm more sure of life and my existence in general.

Cos when god is your reason to live, you have no reason to quit.

Thank you god. Thank you Jesus. Thank you for teaching me and allowing me to learn how to let go of my pride and deal with my problems.

For Your strength is made perfect in weakness.

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