Friday, December 7, 2012

book- wild by Cheryl Strayed

This is one of the few 'autobiographical' kind of book that I read. I just finished this yesterday. It was a good read, a page turner. 

I think what Cheryl did was something that I'd really like to try once in my lifetime (eg: go hiking alone, backpacking etc) but the thing is she was able to do it because she was able to sort of 'let go' of her current city life in search of something/to recover something that she had lost/made sense of her life through this healing walk with nature. 

For me, I doubt so, asking me to stay a week alone out there in the wild will probably be the death of me. As much as I'll want/like to do this, I know I won't do this (if that even make sense). So yeah, I'm really happy that Cheryl finished her trail and shared her experience with us (maybe people like me can learn through her in this way?)

There was one part that really hit close to home, a part where she met this New age seer called Pat and their conversation went like this:

"The father's job is to teach his children how to be warriors, to give them the confidence to get on the horse and ride into battle when necessary to do so. If you don't get that from your father, you have to teach yourself."

"But- I think I have already," I sputtered. "I'm strong-I face things. I-"

"This isn't about strength," said Pat. "And you may not be able to see this yet, but perhaps there will come a time-it could be years from now-when you'll need to get on your horse and ride into battle and you're going to hesitate. You're going to falter. To heal the wound your father made, you're going to have to get on that horse and ride into battle like a warrior." 

I can really understand that. The importance of parents in one's life and what it means when one of your parent /either of your parent are not present in your life. The impact on you. How you'll be changed. 

Guess that meant self learning's necessary at times. Gotta teach yourself what your parents can't/won't be able to teach you. 

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