Friday, December 7, 2012

book- old souls by Tom Shroder


This book just reaffirmed my belief for the existence of past lives. Yet as much as it answers some of my questions (eg: can people know their past lives without going through hypnotic regression/ do past lives really exist/how do you tell/ as much as I want to believe, I still kind of doubt it/ I am still skeptical) , it brought up more questions (eg: does everyone gets reborn/why can some people retain their memories like these kids and why do people like me have absolutely no other memories except maybe some phobia like being afraid of staircases possibly being linked to past lives?/how do one go through this process)

I really respect Ian Stevenson, his dedication to his research and the amount of effort he puts into his fieldwork and yet is so underrated by the public. While this is a free world (we can choose want we want to believe), I think reincarnation can only be a concept that is partially accepted by people. Unless there is really a definite mechanism (say like how you describe the Earth's hydrological cycle with the water evaporating into clouds then condensing and precipitating to Earth as rain), not everyone will accept this theory.

And maybe it's fine like that. just let this be a discussion, a contestation, an unsolved mystery of life.

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